ONE KEY your trusted security

By Unknown - April 08, 2012

Your trusted security 

Saw Blogger William Facebook
status about him at the Chervon House for One Key cyber security awareness events . 
So Since I am working super near the place , I decided to drop by and give him a support . 

Take photo with the policeman and the guy with the red nose I assume that 
he is the virus LOL. because He don't look like someone who is very happy , as he give me 
an impression of him looking sad because there is ONE KEY in the market now to destroy him . 

With William.
I seen him a lot of time in Blogger events and never ones I really talk to him 
I guess I only say hi ? LOL . 

ONE KEY is really awesome product . Because it can be see for all the banks .
Is somehow like the POSB I Banking devices ! For shopper like me who always purchase 
stuff from G market and online store , It will be super useful for me ;) 


Won from ONE KEY ! I did not win it myself , is William win it de as I try so many times 
and all I got is a blue ball which is get the Tissue . WAHAHA , me always no luck 
in lucky draw de . 

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