By Unknown - March 07, 2010

happy birthday to you !
happy birthday to AUNTY !
happy birthday to you !
hope you like the present i gave you =)
A CAPITALAND VOUCHER ! because i not sure what to get for you !
Dragonboat training in the morning
LAND TRAINING : 9am - 10am
Run whole stadium one round & 20 seat up and purps
Run whole stdium one round & 20 push up and starJump !
total 4 sets !
i do until i want to vomit already , the wealther is really very HOT !
SEA TRAINING : 10am - 12pm
long distance & short distance .
overall the training was great & WAS really tiring due to not enough sleep !
after training , we went to marine sqaure which is our USUAL eating
place after training ! surprisingly , i never eat indian food today but i eat indonesia
food ! but all i can say is REALLY CANNOT MAKE IT !
SAUCE taste really like water . i think suntec city one in foodcourt
is much more better !
Went home straight after lunch then slack at home
study leh . online then head down to LOT ONE
saka SUshi for dinner to celebrate my aunty birthday !
didnt eat that much , was FIRST TIME that i dont really eat .
reach home blow birthdy cake le then i head to sleep.
and READY for tomorrow paper !