the uncle is my mummy friend who always drive them when they need
help ! thanks uncle !

today MCYS is organsing an events at singapore zoo.
is for family to get together to enjoy the food there -_- !
games ? !
around 6 plus in the morning , my brother ken came inside my room and wake me up .
he switch on the light to make sure i am awake and he lied to me that
a few min more my mummy will arrived at my house downstair and i take it for real.
took my clothing and rush to bath and when i was preparing my bag and saw my handphone time is just 7.05 am . while my mummy will come at 7.10am .
uncle drive us to teack whye to have our breakfast before heading down to singapore zoo.
actually i am quite excited to go there , because is a long long time ago i have last been
there . and once we arrived there , we already saw people reaching there earlier then us .
and then after ken register , we just seat down there to wait for everyone to reach before everything can be start ! and total today will be having 100 plus people coming .
Once we get into the group where they place as , then we walk in to the zoo and is a BIG TENT for us to seat down to listen to our DJ . doing warm up exercise !
woo ! and they need people who know how to play soccer go up and kick ! lols.
i want to win the prize from them but then my brother ken dun wan go up =(
after that , we went around the zoo for station to complete and play games .
and is was real fun . and guess what ?? my family member sub bo me play games .
and all of them are guys ! nono is boys ! hhahaha
paiiseii one leh !
after playing every station , we went back to the tents and me and kelvin
we went to play games and is real fun man !
and then we are looking forward to is ACHERY AND SOCCER !
achery was real fun and the people who guiding me saying that i am too
stive ! lols. i dont know how to spell. mean i am very hard !
lols. arm !
after that , soccer side . my brother went to play . and they need one more player
and they ask me to go and play so i went in ! haha . was a fun experience. i manage
not to let them goal ! and i kick the ball and hit a guy brother - Ouh !
i am sorry . and i was real paisei and i faster went off to my seats .
later on we went to take photo and took my lunch and went off home
i went home and sleep ! haha
too tired and next week will be a long long week for me =)