Finally today is friday !
is such a long week for me and is real tiring and very stress
in my studies and project !
guess what happened in the morning , i thought i start class at 10 am while i start 8am . and plus today is friday and is NOT thursday . haha.
i faster went to rush and head down to meet sheryl . and she laugh at me ! because
i am blur ! and phoebe and sharon was there and they are waiting for me too .
THANKS MAN ! if not my turtle will be lonely at mrt station waiting for me !
jurong east was totally JAM with human traffic . and a lot of people is not moving in man. SMRT people is not doing their job . because of this kind of suitation i am always late for school. but thanks that my teacher is a understanding teacher
that will not scold because she herself also know about it =)
after school , willi , vincent , andy , leo , jiarong and i went to ETP room. planning for the NEW INTAKE orientation and we will be performing super junior "sorry,sorry" dance also for those senior who are going to gradu already ! and its was really cool to learn those step . and JJ came to teach us the dance steps. is was real cool!
later on , i will be having a workshop of how to improve your presetation !
and wendy at the place cannot make it due to some reason . and i told ms lee.
and she told me off say " why are that so irresponsible?" i was like thinking
how i know ? they also not me ! Gr !
then teacher told me that if my teammates all never turn up , then our team will be disaqulifed! then i called them up n ask them back ! and can hear that they are unhappy with it because they told me that they meeting their friends .
i myself was unhappy too ! two side nag me , and i just shut-up because i dont want case any fight or quarell . i have my own limit too ! =(
presentation workshop is good and intersting . and of cos ! luckily got wendy laptop
if not i not sure how we going to have a presentation, and the speaker told everyone we are the best as in presentation ! of cos we be happy to hear that !
haha =p
after that , the rest went off and i head down to office and return keys and the rest. and i rush home to change and get things done and head down to cck control station to meet angela. she will be going to join our cg outing tonight =)
Our first cell-group meeting of the year 2010. is at ...
Marine Barrage ! we play kite there , eating and also taking pictures.
and quite a sucessful one . and everyone was enjoying themself. and we took pictures and tonight was my first time flying kite !
after that , everyone machine was down ! shut down ! haha
and i was like keep talking to make myself not so tired . and then when reach home , i immediately go bath and eat then online a while and i went to
tomorrow got to wake up at 6am !