By Unknown - September 11, 2008
having OIT exam
haiis dere goes my 5 marks leh.
sad sia !!
den after that we all went to lot one. xiaolaopo wifey they all lorhh . having fun . den this satursday we be having BBQwest coast de . we went to cheers dere to book . but den we cant book until cos is fully book already . den only puggol dere is avaiable . den i search n serach until i super tired n i went home n sleep. =P ah gua suddenly called me and tell me tat if youqin can go for the BBQ anot ? den cos at first i though is a class gathering . so i tell ahgua that i not going already . wifey n xiaolaopo ask me nn call me also. den i explain to them . at last i knew the truth . they were just playing games nn is not theyy all asking youqin to go . after explaining , wifey ask me go . den i agree .
after that ahgua sms me . den i meeting her to take train together . i be going to CQ cos got bible study . she is going to work mah . hahahs . ii am super tired . meet jo-ann go eat noddles . den the uncle talk to us . if they have wrong orders, uncle have to eat up all leh . sometime one day he can eat 20 noodles leh . ohman . i cant image how he going to eat . hhahas. funny larh the uncle .
bible study . last lesson lehh . quizes already jio go home leh . i not meeting ahgua leh .
the one whom i trust n show concern on the person have hurt me deeply . what i can to you is .
this is your life , no one can control you. You choose the road yourself . you will regret one day !