By Unknown - November 03, 2007
[Taking picture woqq ]
[long time neva chat n see each other liao ]
[My front carmae can take picture izzit ? ]
[then ii just capture his picture ' ]
mOrning .
kana wake up by my daddyy .
cos he ask me where we all going mah .
then i say go church all this noq .
i calleddd fazial then he neva pick up .
JO-ann called me ! but i cant reply her cos bathing hhee <3>
:) i called edward to wake up . but at last he didnt turn up for Cell-group meeting .
haiiss .
cell-group !
today with xiao wei they all .
we all pray lorhh . hheee .
pray for the arise and bulid ( NOV 07-APRIL 08 )
Vision of gowth of 100 soul in EW zone & 30,000 chc
Break away youth camp ( 13-15 dec )
Now we all have 15 friends in EW ZONE . if i am nt wrong .
after cg ,. me n my brother went to meet fazial mah . we all gng City hall .
going funan mall . change my psp thinggyy ,
then we all go eat also lorhh . then after tat , we all go bugis shop shop .
n jun hao come too . hhee. i bought 2 top n flip flop from shop ...
hhahas lol . then we all have a lot of fun sia . we all take picture .
In train he bully me sia . bad bad .. he tmr gng malaysia already . siian nehh .
he will be buying something for me . hheee
tehn around 4 plus we leave bugis then in train we all talk talk all this . having a lot of fun lehh .
after tat fazial board down at clemite . then me . jun hao n my bro gng dai ning birthday party mah . chien han gng too . :) i bought top for dai ningg.. nice nice . i bought a top for myself too ,
DAI NING birthday party !!
WE eat there . play play . cool sia .
enjoy myself . hmmm . n i get the chance to talk Dai ning mother noq .
then asking her if dainning can go the CAMP ?> n the mummy say yes !
wao . cool siaaa .... we sing birthday song to her . nn a lot of thing larhh .
around 8 plus we leave e place nn went home .
me n jun hao got take picture noq . not so nice .
Fazial sms me n call me . he gng malysia until monday ,
hhheeee ... ")
tmr gng churchh liao ...
kana wake up by my daddyy .
cos he ask me where we all going mah .
then i say go church all this noq .
i calleddd fazial then he neva pick up .
JO-ann called me ! but i cant reply her cos bathing hhee <3>
:) i called edward to wake up . but at last he didnt turn up for Cell-group meeting .
haiiss .
cell-group !
today with xiao wei they all .
we all pray lorhh . hheee .
pray for the arise and bulid ( NOV 07-APRIL 08 )
Vision of gowth of 100 soul in EW zone & 30,000 chc
Break away youth camp ( 13-15 dec )
Now we all have 15 friends in EW ZONE . if i am nt wrong .
after cg ,. me n my brother went to meet fazial mah . we all gng City hall .
going funan mall . change my psp thinggyy ,
then we all go eat also lorhh . then after tat , we all go bugis shop shop .
n jun hao come too . hhee. i bought 2 top n flip flop from shop ...
hhahas lol . then we all have a lot of fun sia . we all take picture .
In train he bully me sia . bad bad .. he tmr gng malaysia already . siian nehh .
he will be buying something for me . hheee
tehn around 4 plus we leave bugis then in train we all talk talk all this . having a lot of fun lehh .
after tat fazial board down at clemite . then me . jun hao n my bro gng dai ning birthday party mah . chien han gng too . :) i bought top for dai ningg.. nice nice . i bought a top for myself too ,
DAI NING birthday party !!
WE eat there . play play . cool sia .
enjoy myself . hmmm . n i get the chance to talk Dai ning mother noq .
then asking her if dainning can go the CAMP ?> n the mummy say yes !
wao . cool siaaa .... we sing birthday song to her . nn a lot of thing larhh .
around 8 plus we leave e place nn went home .
me n jun hao got take picture noq . not so nice .
Fazial sms me n call me . he gng malysia until monday ,
hhheeee ... ")
tmr gng churchh liao ...