By Unknown - November 09, 2007
Morningg !
is a BRAND new day to go work :)
hahhas @ super tired cos yest night my sister vomit so me n my bro clear up everything .
nn wait for my daddy come back home . hhheee .
then wake up , ask my bro on the laptop for me . then chat with my KUOKUO !
cos asking her whealther my COUsin can go for the camp a not ? Hope that he can go yeah !
then chat until 10 .30 i go bath all this . then i left the house .
I was playing psp in train until i reach Bugis . nn 12 plus faizal call me lol . while i m packing my stock . then ii eat a lot today woqq.
1. Bread
2.wanton noddle
3.pancake peanunt x2
4.100 plus
5. green tea !
is like so MANY
today sales quite good . hahhas . but leg pain cos of ,my shoes . hhee .
i shld buy a better shoes . :)
today got a guy super funny . nt singaporean noq . hahahs . dunnoe hw to say here .
hmmmmm ...
at night ? i went home alone . boring woqq .
hmmm . i shld sleep early as tmr i will be having cg nn service !