By Unknown - September 06, 2007
cuTE mahh ?
Kidding larhh
wE loves taking picture .
Two Pretty girl Cooking for us .
Thks <333
nothing to do .
tat y take picture !
We will playing game .
super Funny . " MAO MAO '
tHEN Joy . yUN xiang and ZACK kana .
They need to choose either sing or dance .
at last they dance .
i will upload the video asap
Loll right >
fake $100 .
Walkingg Round and Round .
Ohh man !
me and xuee li give up
we wait them at playground there <3
funny sia

PRAYER meeting !
morning .
kana wake up by a people . dunnoe who sia .
he know me but i dunnoe who is he ?
number .. 90611393
name ...... Chong Hao .
Camp ....nee soon . at sembaway .
anyone know this person . pls tell me thks .
cos he sms me lol. lame shit .
then i reply him and say ' who give you my no '?
he reply : Steven !
i reply : who sia . i think he people mad anyhow give my no .
he reply : dun angry larhh .
i reply : u singaporean or what ?
he reply : singaporean larhh . if nt what ? banglah .. loll.
dunnoe care hiim ..
simply mad nehh . hheee.
my sister came in my room in and out until i cant reallly sleep back nor .
so i wake up wash up . do housework ( Valume) and play laptop .
hee. aunt buy back food for me and my bro .
then after eating . i went back sleep . simply too tired already .
sleep until 1 plus wake up . my bro called me de. if nt i will nt wake up yeahh !! hahahs ~~
bro bath ~ then we all go out .
meet xue li . shi hui . kah keong . benard . terry . darly ( tink so ) .weeli . only like this bahhh at westmall . eat eat @ chat chat norr . hahahhas .
play like crazy nor . buy things . spent so muchh money sia .
around 3 plus reach weeli hse .
online . play game . watching show . cleaning . mopping .
thks to Terry and bernard nehh clean up.. <3
then wait until everyone reach . we start our peaching . praise and worship .
really in the persence of GOD !
enjoy the word today .
Prayer for west cluster .
Prayer for me and weeli tooo . cos on that day we sharing our testi .
Mii first time sharing in west cluster .
hope tat my testi will inpacted new friend. and they be touch <3>
after prayer meeting .
xue li . shi hui angeline they al cookkk .
and weeeli too .
thks wor . without u all we Hav nothing to eat .
The Bros will in the room playing all over e place .
sister at living room watching tv shows .
eating too .
yam yam . nice wor... Too full to go home and eat liao.
arounddd 8 plus .. me . kelvin and jo-ann take bus go home .
thks to weeli to bring us to bus-stop worr.
hee . darm long de bus .
in bus my bro sit aloNe .
me and jo seated together . talk a lot of thingsss ..
heeexx .
we have the list of people we gng to invite on that special day yeahh !
serect @ only God me and jo noes .
reach home !!
Watch tv liao .
watch 10 pm channel 5 Increabile Tale .
scary sia .
Dun ever open an umbrella inside the house
Dun cut your Nail at night
Respect Old people .
hahhas ~ u believe a nt ?
gng bath nw liao okok .
i wil updatedd picture