By Unknown - September 16, 2007
[[ Hate ]]
[[taken in train cos nth to do ]]
[[i like this picture lehh ]]
[[ when ii little ii dunnoe ii m cute ]]
[[ taking train home ]]
[[ i give it to my mummy ]]
today got go churchh lorhrhh
TODAY sundayyb !
super tiredd . yest night play game with my brother until so late .
so funn !
morning wake up liao . bath first then after tat ii wake up my brother norr .
he go with me too . then we all take MRT lorhh .
saw jeremy too . hhahas then he paii me adn bro nn edward take train lorhh .
take a lot of pictrue lorhh .. nice nice lehh .
when reach expo !
buy sweets then go into the hall lorhh .
seat beside . edward and angeline .
today service super fast sia .
then got a lotof thing larhh .
after service . me and my bro n mag go for make up cell-group at tampinese lorh .
hahhas ! buy bubble tea . me and my bro share lorhh .
so fun to be with him <3
then cg lorhh . i share two testi !!
1st =) is about MY prelime <3>
all Passedd . and got tink 2 subject i get highest in class .
2nd=) thks GOD for 21sept frennnss .
andd now chestnut drive got 7 frennss . PRAISE THE LORD !!
after tat micheell say " yest got thie people say that ' tingting always focast now what she want to do " hahahs dunnoe who will say tat yeahh !
then after cg @
went to take mrt to tanah mareahh to wait for angeline <3
we all gng my mummy hse with my bro
paii seii edward ps uu . hhee cos ii dun like if i got frenn then ii with bf okayy .
ii nt use to it . and pple will say de hhahas #
reach my mummy house
talk talk . watch tv . mummy give me n angeline eat craker ! drinkss .
thks mummy . then eat also lorhh .
thks for eveything ..
i love youuu !!
6.30pm leave my mum house . then my brother paii us go until mrt there norr
buy sweets !
in train we are tireddd nehh . chat chat . leg so pain stand until so long worr .
mmm . nth to writ ;liaoo ..