By Unknown - March 22, 2011
Games going to start now ! everyone is listening to the game masters ;)
Why is my face is so Red ? izzit because of Sun burn due to this morning swimming ?
sheryl dont let me take her photo and she use the spoon to cover my camera lens !
Yummy ! Banana Split ;) Our dessert !
My Breakfast CUM lunch CUM dinner ;) Fish and chip !
My food has reach but then sheryl bake rice not yet arrived and she is playing i phone games to kill her waiting time !
We are here at Warren Country Club the restaurant after our 11 Round of swimming ;)
Went to meet sheryl at Choa chu kang outside guardian to wait for
warren shuttle bus to warren country club , and i told her that i be wearing heels
and indeed she did believe , but of cos i did not wear high heels ;) later we went of to swimming and i manage to swim more then 10 - 11 lap !
after swimming we actually went off to the country restaurant to get some food .
i order fish and chip while sheryl order bake rice ;) Later on we share the banana split
together . lots of laughter during our lunch & i forget what i say and sheryl almost
split out the food on her mouth ! ;x
after eating , we went to IMM to get some stuff . sheryl went to get sky shirt and
i went to get a water bottle for dragon-boat use ;) and it's so cheap ! only cost
$2 ! bought from Diaso ! and later on i be having youth meeting and be leaving at
6pm and guess what ? sheryl want to accompany me at IMM to wait while the time
now was like 3 plus ? and guess what ? at the end we decided to take taxi back to her
house and slack ;) :)
Reach tiong bahru plaza super early -_- ! and i be slacking around . and
i went to the royal sporting house and i saw a swimming costume that i like;(
but i cannot buy as i recently jjust lost a job and income quite tight ;(
but i will buy once i found a new job ! didnt shop for too long and xue fang came
to my resuce ! we went to eat mac then later on we meet the rest of the cg memebers
then head off to EDC !
Youth meeting was great today ;) the presence of GOD is so strong
and when i fall onto the floor , i felt the fire come from my heart all the way
up to my head ! and it was really a WOW ;)