By Unknown - February 14, 2011

went to meet joycelyn at lot one ! she is going to cut hair . i wanted to cut hair but then
my friend ask me not to cut hair as my current hair is nice ;)
wink !
then she decided to go kimage & i wanted to go do medi-cure but i don't know
what color to do , so at last i dint apply ! then after that we went to eat MOS BURGER
And we saw jenna & keng yip LOL.

Andy for-Fit ! we were playing Games .
and those who lose & get joke , he or she got to make an
funny expression !
;) for almost all the round , Andy is the only one who kana the most !
we went to sheryl house to bian nian ! and guess what ? sheryl the house de
bao gua , i ate finish all , while i am still sick . & flu till nose bleed through my nose
;( so xin ku ! then my medi i eat until left one only !
playing games with sheryl they all , laughing ass out man !
i really cannot lie man , so easy for people to spot me out !