By Unknown - December 30, 2010

These few days , my brother is staying over my house and he came down to
my workplace to help me out =) . And i teach him about retail stuff and then i have so much fun spending time with him . we went to play basketball at arcade and guess what ? my boss actually sms me and say that today he is coming down to closed the shop & i can tell you that i am really shocked ! why so sudden ? and then my boss was telling me that suntec city the rental went up another $500 ! means $4000 per month . n how to cover the course ? and the employment salary ? hais
, feeling so sad that i got to leave suntec city ! i been working for this boss about 2 years le . really hope that he will find a place soon ! =D
but now i got trouble le, i got to find a new job soon ! if not i going to eat shit man .
money is always an burden to me . and last min thing i cant buy stock for my collection 2 . so sorry for those who is looking forward to my collection .
i will go look for job soon ! and hopefully - i will launched my collection 2 soon !
after work , me and my brother went straight to marine square for cell-group appreciation ! and we had JUST ASIA for our dinner . and later on , we
went to play pool . then later on , we went home straight =D
was in train talking about of stuff ! and when reach home me & brother K.O immedi