By Unknown - November 14, 2010

went to lot one and have lunch with jerry , had a great talk with
him and later on we head down to church together and i went to buy qui yi
birthday present . looking up and down i still dont know what
to buy , but at the end i decided to bought a cup for her .
since i cant find any key chain !
went to meet kitty , cindy . then we take angeline car to church .
damn nice ! can i have it too ??
kitty and i have a nice talk , she have simplity stuff to talk
about . especially flea market . she having it soon ! and
i be going down to support her !
service was great today . AND i am proud of kitty !
then after service , cg all went to fellowship at jurong point KFC .
and around 7 plus , we leave the place and i head off to qui yi house .
during the journey , i dont know what happened to my leg . its hurt so much =(
i think i got to wear more of heels so that my feet will get use to it !
her mum first thing saw me say that i slim down le !
( woooohhoooo ! she made my day)
and they have BBQ , but i didnt went to bbq as i scare later
smelly and the smoke will burn off my contact lens .
but at the end , i still went out to BBQ ! shocking right ?
everytime i wait people to cook for me but now , got to cook myself ?
i bbq satay ! SUPER NOT NICE !
HAHA . wonder how people bbq until so nice =(
saw wei quan and we had a talk ! he change to become more mature
but then shorter then me ! wahahahahahahah =P
around 12 plus then i leave her house and took bus home .
and guess what ? i am super blur like a sotong !