By Unknown - September 06, 2010

I carrying about 2 Big bag of items all the way to take bus and meet wendy & waishi !
is super super heavy ! how i wish my brother was here with me , to help me carry stuff .
but he had head off to meet my mummy & panda ! Panda sms me that he and my brother will be coming down today =DDD
when reach SCAPE , was quite shock about the location , as is small and hot with a lot of table and chair . me and wendy will be selling more to the clothing . then after a while of discussion , we decided to go and buy clothing stands ! and we went alot of places to find the stand and we finally found one cheap one @ plaza singapure CAREFOUR at only $60 ! GREAT DEAL !
TOOK TAXI BACK ! and that time was already 1.30pm and the event will be starting at 2pm sharp , so we quickly set up the store and START our serving customer =DDD
i notice that i am the only one who stand at the store side to greet customer & talk to the customer . while another store owner they just simply seat down and wait for sales !
and actually i was super tempeted to get stuff at FLEA MARKET as their items was really cheap . but then i tell myself to save money not spenting money !
Over- ALL , sales today for me was great =DDDDD
and thanks to those people who came down & support me !
today yong li came down and it was a shocked to me , as i didnt expect him to come down .
and i went shop with him and he bought 2 top ! &&&&
i bought a t-shirt for my brother ken ! my neighobour was GOOODDD . he gave me discount & my friend too !
AFTER closing , we all went to eat already . then head back to take bus 190 HOME !
it was a tiring day & i think i wanna to have another flea market next year or maybe dec bah !
i will update you guys sooonnnn ....