meeting sheryl at cck and then we head down to school .and teacher was late too
so she didnt say much because she also haven start the lesson yet !
around 9 am , i meeting m friend to collect those cupcakes =]
and than ks to wendy for giving me those boxes ! and all i need is to pack them into
boxes and i rush to make sure every design is properly done =]
after school , i went to take train with turtle and she head down to town
to meet her parent while i head down to paya leba to meet customer but then
she is late ! gr then she didnt replied my sms . and i waited for about 45 min and then
i head down to cck to meet jo-ann to pass her the cupcake and the cindy present !
and when i reach city hall , the girl sms me say that she just ended school and
i told her she should tell me early what !
lol .
i dislike waiting for people one ! especially those who dont replied me !!
and then later on , when i reach cck , i went to saka shushi and check if i be able to cook seat at 7pm . but then is fully booked -_- !
and then i called daddy and he ask me go check new york one . and then
the manager told me that only new york memeber then can book @! i was like
what the. like that people with non memeber dont need come eat . that time on
point i am really no mood leh . but then at last she say 7.30 pm
later on i went to wait for jo-ann . then pass her thing and i walk home
and study a while . bath and then rest on my bed . i am super tired =(
later on , my family and i went to new york to eat .
i ate spring chicken whole ! damn nice . and i always love to drink coke float !
and after that , we went to GAIN CITY !
i really dont like their service . everytime i come . no one will ever want to serve me !
gr . at last i need to go find the salesperson and then my daddy bought
valcum cleaner ! and then aunty & brother went home to put thing and take thing
while me and daddy seating near the bus stop talking =]
later on, we went to teck whye and get new year stuff and then
after getting those items then we went to slack at a side then later on
when get everything done , we went home straight !