so random picture i found from my laptop =]
Quit my work from being telemarketer .
real boring and i hate it being alone in the office
keep calling like no one business and people can get to talk to their friend
while my BOSS dislike me to talk to another people .
i sms her that i want to quit and guess what she say ??
- still can work for 2 more week and i can get my bonus .
loll. the money is really attractive but i don't want to do something that i really
hate it alot !!
Went to far east plaza with Justin to look for job . eat and chit chat .
and i decided to go for the interview tomorrow at SK cousin company =]
later on , he went to meet his cg member and i head down to SP first to
practice my hand stand !
Reach there . bought drinks for jiayu for waiting for me .
and then we start training . i must thanks Chen Chen for helping me
and i really more daring to hand stand but just need more practice
and i will overcome it .
training started !
warm up everything and we do stuct . its was really great man !
i can do it while last time i cant even caught the flyer leg but now i can even
go up to ex-stand-tion .
we do some physical training.
later on , i debrief them already and we heading back home .
took train home with KG .
sian joycelyn never come if not can go eat dinner with her .
reach home .
bath and guess what ?
i realise there is a red patch beside my eyes.
and was thinking tomorrow i will be going out .
how am i going to face people. like kana beaten
hahah so i decided to wear a spec !
i cook maggi and guess what ?
too bad i have to eat finish and i went to sleep.
Turn here and there still cant sleep !!!
thinking . thinking . thinking .