By Unknown - July 26, 2009

2nd Day of batam trip !
didnt sleep well because we only have few hour
to sleep because we sleep late yest !
Wake up late ! thanks to lyn they all called us up
if not we dun need to eat breakfast already haha !
First station : Visit to the bridge !
Second station : Cake shop !
home made deh . in singapore they selling more than 50$ plus
but i bought at $11 and is super nice to eat =) and i order one home !
third station : pOlo Raph store
i wanted to buy one polo and too bad their design
is super ugly and i decided not to buy . and iu went to take alook
what the street people selling and then the people force me to buy and
just selling me 20$ lols. and luckily , i manage to get off .
Fourth station : Shopping !
i love that best ! but i just buy pants , shoes , bag and other thing
that use and eat . sad that i dindt buy much thing
so me and charmine decided to buy in SINGAPORE !
weeee =))) and we only got 1 hour plus to shop only !
later on we went to church ! and we need to get ready to make
up and prepare your hair to go for performane