
By Unknown - May 27, 2009

didnt have bse exam today
i still not very confident about it man.
and luckily teacher say dun need , but he will just
give us the paper to do ourself .
after school , me and sheryl have no where to
go. so we decided to Botak Jones there and eat
we share our Fish n chip =) super nice man and
i really cant finish it man . we still left a few fries .
and say about alot of things .super funny man
around 5 plus , we went to take train and
i went staright to church lorh . saw joshua so went to seat with
him and i study he read his book. haha
den when he sleep very funny shiok got those
baby sleeping type of faces man !
den later on , we went to coffeeshop to join the rest
to eat lorh .
Cheerleading pratice start !
we learn new warm up and also
fancial expression when we are dancing n also
doing stunt ! and enjoy alot man !
n also thanks for the noisy that my ladies team have
given to me man ! love you girls
after training , went to eat with cheerleading people
and chit chat . lol . in train going home .
in train can laugh till we cry man !
Love you guys man =ppp

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