By Unknown - December 04, 2008

sleeepppp.. sleeeppp...
kana wake up by a call. but dont know who is that.
is a no number . lol.
cant sleep back also due to some noise outside myy house.
watch tv , suf net and eat =p
cooked by my dearest brother.
den chit chat. lo.
2 plus my brother and i went to prepare ourself.
my brothers going to mum house.
i going to meet PIG. haha. finish school only.
prepare to meet pig at yishun but den guess what ?
pig went to the take the wrong side of the train.
hahah [JOKER OF THE DAY!!!!]
den went to bishan to wait for PIG.
........ chit chat in train leh . heading to The cathy to watch movie .
the movie is calleddd.... IS A STUPID SHOW and is veryy errr xinnn .
then during movie the air-con is super cool. i keep moving abit so that i can make sure i am not tat cold. haha . i almost sleep in the theathe . the show in the middle very boring . keep killing people..
after movie , we went to have dinner . at plaza singapure .
then we went to take bus to esplanda. but we went to suntec city first .
look for myaunty. she shock i break with jacky ? haha .
cute siah she . cos i be working tmr =] HAPPY *
went eplanda lor.
sitting down there chatting.
STOP BULLYING me . haha pig .
asking me " seroius" i was like hey stop asking me .
woah i was like so paiiseii larh .
hahaa .... box you . haha .
after that we walk to take 190 home. but then no place so
we decided to drop down at orchard mrt station . dots . we take train home.
chit chat =] thanks for sending me home. and pig went home.
called me .. chatchat jio sleep leh .
tmr i going start work .