The SHY sherly .was force by me to take picture with the barbie doll skirts.
=( will you be there when i need you ?
Today seldom people come to school today yeah.den the meowmeow keep calling my hp and it ring in the class,luckily teacher never scold if nt i will get it from teacher.den teacher was showing us a video or a picture about two pple hugging.den javi was saying he wan to hug MEOWMEOW.hhahas.we all was laughing.den teacher was asking meowmeow to hug me.Ohman.How can a cat hug a human.Kidding larh.Meowmeow is a nice friend of mine =P today i bring thw wrong charger.den my hp left 2 batteria.so i have nO choice to ask around if anyone have it.at last,i ask teacher and she take from other teacher to lent me yeah.Thks =)den we have 2 hr break,me and sherly eating lasi Lemak ! dunOe how to spell =( the chiili darm spicy until me and sherly go buy drinks.after tat ,she accomapny me go change My school uniform.den white dun have leh.i jio change to red Guys de.hahahas.girls den too small leh.and ugly for me yeah.
Went back class.waiting for Ms Ng to come lors.her lesson until 5Pm.den we doing nothing and she giving role-play los.hahahs .after role-play guess what?we all can go home and is only 2 plus onlyy.hahas.so me and sherly went to jurong point ans we do our RTO project los.darm funn larh.me and her keep laughing.and playing all along.took alot of picturess.saw until mark lee ! enjoy today with u yeah !