By Unknown - February 04, 2008

today in school .
everything finally settle leh . everyone in class girls are friends . Not best friends . but friends . see each other smile . hi n bye . cool right ?
got test today . i got do but some of it i nt quite sure . i gt ask teacher then she say can =) hahhas =p i didnt eat much today .
after school , walk with sherly to clemite mrt . thanks to her accompany me walk .
then she takr mrt home . i take to meet angeline then go city hall . eat . shoppiing a while only then meet terry . then go Dance O SCHool . cool man ! training so cool for me ! then i going to buy dance shorts leh . after chinese new year lo .
chingay ! i have no pratice lo . then no one tell me . hais i waste a trip man . n i went to take bus 16 back to city hall then take 190 home . thanks to dumd dumd ryan chat with me on the phone .=)