By Unknown - December 30, 2007

Thanksgiving !
Meeting Edison & kenneth suppose to meet up at lot one to have lunch first !
then ii am ready liao ! then i check my wallet ! =)
then guess what ? i cant find my ez-link ! =( sad , and a bit angry !
serach up n down cant find . then finallyyy i take bus to bukit batok ~! with edison n kenneth ~ .... jie heng coming then i call him cant get through him siian ..
At last in bus , i called him can get through ! he coming =p then waited for him 30min . at last he reach , we went in together ...
Keng yip , Edsion , Kenneth , jie heng n me lorhh . ONE GROUP !
( sure WIN ) ~!
then keng yip idea lorh . cool ! having so much fun !
hahas ~
when result out ,
BELL frenn won ! 2nd prize
my Group Get 1ST !!=)
yeapp ! we can go eat together !!!
after tat , eat eat !
then me cindy they all seat xiao wei car to expo .
nIcol coming too !
after service , we went to orchard lorh .
saw breando !
then he with his frenn , we all eat together lohh .
after tat , NIcol still hungry lorh .so he went to buy food ( not cheap lo)
quite expensive . he force me eat with him . share ! Oily !
but the chicken quite nice lehh . then we go walk walk .
bully him all the way . so funny lorhh .
at around 10 plus , then we take bus went home lor.
=p having so much fun today loh