By Unknown - October 13, 2007
Morning ~
My hp Low batteria .
a lot of pple called my house .
i wake Up . haiiss hate pple disture my sleep woqq.
wake Up ! quickly go charge Hp then reply sms .
then ii go find clother wt 2 wear . siian ii dunnoe what to wear lorhh .
working also must think wt to wear hheee ..
then meet my brother at bukit batok . then i meet jo at cck train noqq.
my top wet sia . cos i stand mrt there wait for her train nn super hot sia .
then when we reach BUkit batok .
need to wait for wei guang n keng yip . too late Ppig !
then we all go westmall walk walk
i bought masks ! chocalate ! hahahs ~
then we al go meet them .
me n jo go buy card for adeline noqq .
Cg meetting ~~~~
Play game .. hhheeee .
then also got pizza . nn KFc to eat Noqq .
after that ! Xueli came to talk to me about this tue !
ii dunnoe ! hahhas . then she ask me ask gladys . cos she see my name at the list !
gladys say noqq . so i be going !!!!
where ? eric house .
what that ! leader talk !
eric going train leader od next gerneration ! ( hahhas )
hahahhas ! i going tat day man !
then around 1 plus i leave with my bro .
cos gng bukit batok meet people pass thinggyy !
then gio home taking train .
reach home .
slp slp slp .
super tireddd ! then tmr got service . Bs !
then monday got work too !
hummm i shld slp nw
bye bye !