By Unknown - January 01, 2007
ii ton rite yest . then at my stead god bro house. so i really wan to sleep liao so ask him what time go hm ? then he say not so early cox he wan wait for his friends. becox of this we quarrel lor.. darm pig. ii super angry. then ii go take my hp and my wallet and walk off. then e stupid thing iis ii 4 get to bring my house key out lor. so ii sms my stead tat i 4 get to bring my key mah. then he say he and his friends paii me go his house. then when i reach his house i sleep lor. super tired. really/ hahahs. hungry too. ii sleep until 4 pm like tat . then wake play computer . watch show lor. around 6 plus eat mee. hahahs. tonite ii not goiin hm cox ii ton lorr.