morning , i went to meet xuefang at woodland .
get her present den went to meet her at causeway point.
den celebrate her birthday at Foodcourt =)
after we eat , we went shopping already den she
going off and i went to yew tee to meet yamyam !
den we go church together . and went Service prayer
meeting .
service . saw ziyang (my spiritual dad )
den he knew tat me and justin together and he say i bad
didnt ask him before togetherhaha .
den he say i look more ah lian ! lol.
i so guai where got ah lian !!!
after service , i went to plaza singapure meet justin .
gave him a surprise ! by telling him i stuck in the train
for 10mins . lol.
and we went to eat . shopping too .
enjoy the day with him =)
morning , i went to meet xuefang at woodland .
get her present den went to meet her at causeway point.
den celebrate her birthday at Foodcourt =)
after we eat , we went shopping already den she
going off and i went to yew tee to meet yamyam !
den we go church together . and went Service prayer
meeting .
service . saw ziyang (my spiritual dad )
den he knew tat me and justin together and he say i bad
didnt ask him before togetherhaha .
den he say i look more ah lian ! lol.
i so guai where got ah lian !!!
after service , i went to plaza singapure meet justin .
gave him a surprise ! by telling him i stuck in the train
for 10mins . lol.
and we went to eat . shopping too .
enjoy the day with him =)