today morning . i wake up early so that i will not be late for school again . so i reach school about 7 .07am . happy !! then first lesson is EOA Boring but can play internet . sob i play .after that got english lesson . then we need to do workbook but then i 4 get to bring so i do in a fool scape paper . Finaally ,, RECESS !! i ate e same food then i ate alwayys. cos i will eat until full mahh . after recess , we have our ART LESSON !! teacher never come cos go see performance . Then i do my own work.
Think around 1 plus teacher came backk . and i decidded to ask her how to draw the Handcuff !! Then u noe what she did . she say me untill i darm angryy and cryy . at least she tell me nicely mahh .. FCUKK . Only her favourite pupils then she will say de.. haiis. 4 get about it . i can do it by mysellff without her hellpp.
After Art . is Ve !! STUPID LESSON 1! but today iis intersting cos got other people from outside come to our class talkk .. cool !!
i WRITE here ..
got one worksheet write .... (VAK learning styles self-assessment Questionnaire)
i get a lot of B.
SO mine is AUDITORYY !!
Think around 1 plus teacher came backk . and i decidded to ask her how to draw the Handcuff !! Then u noe what she did . she say me untill i darm angryy and cryy . at least she tell me nicely mahh .. FCUKK . Only her favourite pupils then she will say de.. haiis. 4 get about it . i can do it by mysellff without her hellpp.
After Art . is Ve !! STUPID LESSON 1! but today iis intersting cos got other people from outside come to our class talkk .. cool !!
i WRITE here ..
got one worksheet write .... (VAK learning styles self-assessment Questionnaire)
i get a lot of B.
SO mine is AUDITORYY !!
- Listening
- Hearing words
- listen to instruction before doing things
- Learns best while listening to people teach or share about knowledge .
- is Not afraid to speak up
- cannot be quiet for long period
- sAY ALOUD the things you want remember !!
After school. i wait for edward liaoo. say bye bye to him . then i go for NPCC . then jun hao , admen also got go for training . hahahas. then today we never do muchh thing but then sec 4 all kana say by MS TAN. haiis so sadd. mmmm. After training, me and jun hao wait for admen . then his mum drive us home .. thank admen mum .. hahhahs. jun hao shoes got water cos of me .. ") SORRYY
Todate went out with my sir go buy white hand sock . for my POS ! hahhas. so i after school , i went home take a bath liao. i go meeet ger go lot one make hp mah . put hello-kitty nor. after that i rush now to ToA pAYO . then when i reach liao . i board the train then we talk all the way until we rech orchard . mmm. first time go out with him nehh . FUNNY !!
First we went to Far East Plaza find the sock , but we went all the shop but they only sell black sock . but they say white hand sock very diffcult . but i never give up. i went around orchard to find . then my SIR super tired lei. then we walk walk until plaza\ singapure . hahhas. we bought ice-cream and eat . haiis today i eat a lot of thing . haiis. ii going to be fat liaoo. blenn !! then my SIR want to go seat the free chair .. OSIM DE . cool !! i went to seat and try too !! veryy cool !! u can come down and try too !!
After trying . we went to buy sweet liaoo. then we go acarde play liaoo. then we went back home . really want to thanks him paii me go shopping looking for that whit sockk . cos he dun like shopping .. thanks you !!
First we went to Far East Plaza find the sock , but we went all the shop but they only sell black sock . but they say white hand sock very diffcult . but i never give up. i went around orchard to find . then my SIR super tired lei. then we walk walk until plaza\ singapure . hahhas. we bought ice-cream and eat . haiis today i eat a lot of thing . haiis. ii going to be fat liaoo. blenn !! then my SIR want to go seat the free chair .. OSIM DE . cool !! i went to seat and try too !! veryy cool !! u can come down and try too !!
After trying . we went to buy sweet liaoo. then we go acarde play liaoo. then we went back home . really want to thanks him paii me go shopping looking for that whit sockk . cos he dun like shopping .. thanks you !!

todayy is edward and me . 10 month together . so happy . but we never go out . cos no time got school. but at least we are together still loving each other . but sometime we do quarrel very firece . since he say i stead with him . 23.06.06 . we went though a lot of thing as things happened a lot. and we quarrel until wanna to break . but everytime we quarrel he will always say sorryy to me . i m so glad that he wil say sorry to me . hahahs. hope that he will still remember our promise . ")
i m here wanna tell edward that i love him till we cannot be together .
oHh ! this is what we eat !! FOOD SUX !1
Two of my Quart Mates
yeah this two are my frenx !! COOL !!
today early morning wake up. because today is the actual day of NPCC ANUAL PARADE ! morning i meet jun hao first then together go Bukit Panjang KFC eat nor. cos everytime eat mac will scare de. then when we reach there we straight away go KFC . eat liaoo. we take taxi. i dun wan take e . is chien hao want take . hais no moneyy leii. but at last still need to take cos. most of them want to take norr. when we reach , we quickly went to put our thing then go pratice liao. so tired . i feeling like sleeping .
around 5 plus going to start . when its start . i was so scare nor. when we march liao. e dun noe who keep talking then veri long . my leg veryy pain . but about dun noe how long finally can march off liao. that time so happy .. cos can move liao. when we march off liao .we all so happy cos so many training . and we all gone through so many . and finally today finishh it . THANKS EVERYONE FOR YR HARDWORKK !! good job !!
around 5 plus going to start . when its start . i was so scare nor. when we march liao. e dun noe who keep talking then veri long . my leg veryy pain . but about dun noe how long finally can march off liao. that time so happy .. cos can move liao. when we march off liao .we all so happy cos so many training . and we all gone through so many . and finally today finishh it . THANKS EVERYONE FOR YR HARDWORKK !! good job !!

this picture is when we going backk home !!
so tired !!
today after school, i went home straight lor. cos meeting my gan lao po. ger . hahhas. miss going out with her . around 2 plus i reachh home then she pai me go my house , and she wait for me to bath alreadyy . then we go out. my stomach pain like hell then ger hungry like hell. hahhahas. after that we went to take mrt to bugic lor. in train so many pple . ii stommachh paiin . hhas. ger hungryy . so when we reach bugic we go eat first . we eat mos burge . i think like that spell hahahs . after that we go shopping looking for shiny white shockking . but dun habb leii. saw a lot of nice clothing but dun wan buyy . haiis . no moneyy ! so around 4 plus we decided we go ger house . when we reachh her house . we take out all her shirt that dun wan then i help her sell norr. cos i got blogshop. hahhas. around 6 plus i we leave e house ! GUESS WHAT I SAW !! patricia and foo boon. haiis long time no see them . but a lot of changer patciai .. hhahahs. then afterward i go cg ( make -up)
then ger go her cg norr..
let me tell uu this guy here is my SIR . his name .. ( cannot say larr ) think everyone know him liao.!!
hhahahas. this guy here FAMOURS !! ( NO POCKETT )) ..
today we keep bully him at lot one mac ! hhahahs. good right !! i dun wan say anythingg ..
ohh !! IMPORTANT !!

sunday i went to Benny Him service . early cos i choir de ! then i quite early reach there . And i need to wait my friends xue li they all cos my top is with them. the wealther is hot . so i buy water to drink norr. so i met Kezia she is also in choir . so she with me and jo-ann went for her Usher thing nor .
Around 12.40 xue li they all reach then we quickly went to change . and i reliase that i top is low cut . oh my goodness. i hate wearing low cut . but when i wear on it is still ok. hahhas. after that we need to go make our attendent and check our book , then we went to find our group liao then someone will bring us up to e ( so called hall). and we sit there and wait norr . hhaas.
15 min later they call us to stand up and they bring us o our seat . then they called us to put make-up as i noe i dont put make up so well so i ask someone to help me nor. hahhas. is a ladyy who is seating behid me !! after making up .. we training our song .. lor. . but i quite scare.. hahhas. dun noe why also .
around 4.10 service start . yeahh . we sing lor. Stand until very tired leii. Smile until long but is worth !! cool !! When the Benny Him pray for people who sick all are heal by the power of god !! AMEN !! and Benny Him pray for the choir too !! many people have laugher! but i dun hab .
after service ii went to toliet change liao then i go meet jun hao and kang wei cos today they come mahh . then jo-ann say that she hungryy . sob i ask her along too. at last we decided to eat around kallang .. so we went eat steamboat (OHH MAN ! THE FOOD SCUK. DIRTY . SO EXPENSIVE SOMEMORE .. HAIIS . ) so me and jo-ann go tell the person we go other place eatt .. then we just pay 4 e drinks.. hhahas. we went to Indian stall and eatt . hhahas. ddarm full after eating . THANKS KANG WEI PAYING FOR ME !! after eating we walk to take mrt home nor./ we in train make a lot of noise. hahaahs.
today i really happy . cos i seldom so happy before as a lot of things hapenedd..")
this is e picture i took ..
this is e meal we eat after we finish going Pulua Ubin !!
this is the flying fox tall ... ( miss the place )
today early in the morning wake up so early cos need to go school take bus to Pulua Ubin . Super tired nor . i feeling like not coming . i meeting jun hao at 6.30 am and GUESS WHAT ? he late for about 10 mins , ohh man . usually ii hate to wait for people lor. he always wait 4 me also too !! then we take bus 67 . we never wear long seleves. lazy mahh . today got a bit people come only. Sec 4 only all chinese . then 2 from sec 5 . then today mr teo and sir terence go with us lor. so happy cos i looking forward to this day to come . then in the bus jun hao keep bully me norr. stupid larr him . and i bully kang wei nor . in the bus darm boring de all of them are so tired . but i hungryy . hahahs . think around 8 .40 we reachh there e jetty then we take boat there to Pualua Ubin , cOOL !! cos long time never take liao mahh . i miss there verii muchh . i take quite a lot of picture . when we reachh we need to wait for more school cos only two school arrived . shit nor waste a lot of time ,. hhahas. so happy that i complete (fFLYING FOX) 8 STROEY HIGH . when ii go up i quite scare. i want try but scare.. haahahahs at last i try . Cool! funny thing at last i want to fly i keep dun wan fly. at last fly fly fly !! COOL! IS VERYY FUN ! so happy norr .. after that i kana a sir bullyy .. ( dun say his name ) .. long more story lorr... lazy to write on /.
this one of my ' FRIEND" call seah qui yi . this thing happened like this she in camp hor keep fliting with boys lor. then she say is make new friends .. but then hor. when eating is ok that she talk to the boys / but then in camp as a NCO she should ask them go back to their company , then becos of this she not happy with me . so we quarrel .
so she not happy with me and she go ask her god brother to sms me . and wanna try to find trouble with me . so i say ok lor. want play i can pai her de. so after a while . qui yi called me and say ahe not flit but is making new friend . RUBBISHH.. noe her so long she like tat de. even SIR and MADAM also say norr.
then e gan kor dun wan help qui yi liao. cos he say she veryy fan !! hahhas, and she no one help that why find him. at first is a small matter why wann find troublle . lame girl leii.. no gandg act got gang . haiiss. stupid fools . hahahs .lame girll ..
at last also she lose.. haiis. small matter wan make too big big.
she want to get invole so many pple( jo-ann and stephinee ) !!
so she not happy with me and she go ask her god brother to sms me . and wanna try to find trouble with me . so i say ok lor. want play i can pai her de. so after a while . qui yi called me and say ahe not flit but is making new friend . RUBBISHH.. noe her so long she like tat de. even SIR and MADAM also say norr.
then e gan kor dun wan help qui yi liao. cos he say she veryy fan !! hahhas, and she no one help that why find him. at first is a small matter why wann find troublle . lame girl leii.. no gandg act got gang . haiiss. stupid fools . hahahs .lame girll ..
at last also she lose.. haiis. small matter wan make too big big.
she want to get invole so many pple( jo-ann and stephinee ) !!
nabe chee bye . dun force me that something i dun wan can . somemore we want invite friend to our church . is not a easy thing to do. must believe and pray .
tell uu what my happened today ok .
early morning . i wake up early , then i sms kang weii . he say that he coming with jun hao. when i heard that i am so happy . then a few min later kang wei sms me that he cannot go liao cos his grandmother landed iin e hospital . so he cant go. so i sms jun hao and ask him if he can go ?? then he say cos he want paii de girlfrens., scuk man !!
then my brother also not coming . then my church cgl sms me if my frens coming then i say nope. kang wei is cos of e grandmother !! jun hao is cos of gf !! stupid edward my bf last min cannot then i no mood to go liao. so decided to stay at home watch online de.. somemore my daddy coming back liao. suc! pls dun force me can ! i hate pple control me . if i dun wan mean dun wan .
tell uu what my happened today ok .
early morning . i wake up early , then i sms kang weii . he say that he coming with jun hao. when i heard that i am so happy . then a few min later kang wei sms me that he cannot go liao cos his grandmother landed iin e hospital . so he cant go. so i sms jun hao and ask him if he can go ?? then he say cos he want paii de girlfrens., scuk man !!
then my brother also not coming . then my church cgl sms me if my frens coming then i say nope. kang wei is cos of e grandmother !! jun hao is cos of gf !! stupid edward my bf last min cannot then i no mood to go liao. so decided to stay at home watch online de.. somemore my daddy coming back liao. suc! pls dun force me can ! i hate pple control me . if i dun wan mean dun wan .
today 10 pm i meet mr k at choa chu kang 24 hr coffee shop eat norr. hahahs . stupid jun hao neva come leii. so ii meet mr k outside e mac . i planning go food culture de but then close liaoo. so no choice go coffee shop eat norr. so i order wanton noodle eat /. hahhas. quite ok not so nice not so good nor. after a while mr k cal ms j if she wanna come and join us a not ? hahhas. she agree !! cool !! more people the better . hahahs. when ms j came she eat and mr k join her to eat becox he hab no choice !!n ( hahahs) ( kidding). after we eat liao. we planing tuu watchh movies. but we dun noe what movie to watchhh . so we went up to cinEMA and check got what show .. gueess what show we watchh ?? SUNSHINE !! quite a good show norr. mr k bought ms j popp. for de..... cannot say . hahahs. after the show . mr k and ms j send me home . hhahas. thanks uu .
thanks uu mr k and ms j !! today iis a woderful day ! hahahs. thanks for yr movie mr k !! ") tc
thanks uu mr k and ms j !! today iis a woderful day ! hahahs. thanks for yr movie mr k !! ") tc
ealry morning , i wake up bath liao. i online liao. then edward ( my bf) mother online . hahahs. then she ask me help her buy food and eat cox i goiin to her house later mahh . so i say ok i buy . i bath liao then i go lot one there buy food nor. i buy edward too !! hahahs. so after buying ii went to take bus to his house nor. darm hot nor. you know why i go his house ? because we later going out to mq . you all should noe where . hahhas. ohh also edmund goiin . edward cousin nor. he darm funny guy de. then we went to mq. we eat ice-cream . bread from breadtalk. sweet from mini tool . oohh. i eat so many gotten to be fat . hahahs. let me show uu some picture we taken .
todate is a really happy day for me , as i always busy no time pai uu . lao gong i love uu yeahh . our 10 mth coming soon at 23 apirl 2007. verii fast de. ")
todate early in the morning i go take bus . GUESS WHAT ?? i wait the bus for 35 mins . darm long nor. stupid bus 67 . so many people wor. is because of teck whye sec having sports day !! haiix . luckily i did sms mr raj lor. if not ii am late agaiin !! stupid cousiller( dun noe hw to spell) please dun act larr. uu all think u all verii big . can tok properly a not to us . uu need to respect us too before uu wan pple respect uu . somemore uu all so FCUK. dun act larr, when i reachh school.. so tired wann tuu slp leii. in schooll good no one disture ME ! i can do whatever i want. i dun need uu all to judge me as uu all are not GOD !! hate u all to controll me !! i want freedom !! hahhas. then after school.
ii need to go HQ for NPCC ANUAL PARADE lorr. we reach there around 4 plus . cool wor. i dun feel like goiin . too tired. heex. and one of e sir caught my hair got colour ii also dun wan care norr.. heex. but i will spray my hair then next training..
ii need to go HQ for NPCC ANUAL PARADE lorr. we reach there around 4 plus . cool wor. i dun feel like goiin . too tired. heex. and one of e sir caught my hair got colour ii also dun wan care norr.. heex. but i will spray my hair then next training..
today after school got npcc . oh man ! the training darm boring de! i teach until so tired ! somemore today training never go smoothly . i taking the secondary one mahh . ii in0charge de, mmm. their training verii GOOD todayy . so happy 4 them yeahh !! but then my frenx jun hao so sad todayy also dun noe yy ? haiix . see him like tat ii also no mood . cox iin npcc i got two close frens is jun hao and admen . ") they are my good frenn . today in npcc we also got do campcraft !! SOMEONE STUPID IDEA ! haiix becox of this we kana say by someone. ( pls when u want do something pls tell us ) dun act clever . we are all NCO horr. HAHAHS. so happy after npcc jun hao and admen ") smile again . so happy !! and we go home by taking bus 67 nor.. hahhas. so tired. wann go home faster bath ann eat norr.

today after school. ii goiin home bath nor . hahs, i wear demin shorts with red and whitr ribbon top . ii put make up liao. then ii go cck met hiim then we go amk liao. then go suntec city nor . i go there to collect my wallet at CHC office lei.then when i reach there they told me that e wallet not there as jocye neva come work today . then i give eric a call norr. he help me tell e pple there norr. hahhas, then she say she wil contact me if she find until e jocye . sook ! then after thatt i walk out . a few minutes ltr ii recieve a call . she say that my wallet with her liao nor. so happy !! my IC is there .. but my ez-link lost . after taking me and edward go find his aunt they all lorr. hahahs. funny siaoo.. MAO MAO . sobb cute wor.r. we went to eat . play . take picture. so happy todayy norr..
ii bought earing. then a lot of thing norr.. at around 7 plus we went to take bus and we went bacck hm . worr. at nite . adeline call me and pray with me . she say i have imporve liaooo. sobb happy . ") lao gong ii lve uu !!! i wil upload de picturee !!
ii bought earing. then a lot of thing norr.. at around 7 plus we went to take bus and we went bacck hm . worr. at nite . adeline call me and pray with me . she say i have imporve liaooo. sobb happy . ") lao gong ii lve uu !!! i wil upload de picturee !!