today is the last day of ITE . ohh miss the ite teacher too much . today mr chirstopher chow is the one who teach us today lor. we went to do our project and go into a big tank but didt not contain water . i went in cox i wearing pe-t-shirt mah that yy . more safe . i am e only gal who are wearing that to play . other girl neva play nor . after playing we went to eat our lunch lor. GUESS WHAT WE EAT ? we eat the same thing as we eat the second day nor . i spent a lot of money lei. siian my ez-link lost then keep buying stardard card lor. waste moneyy . today iis the last day of ite !! i just want to thanks mr christopher chow for teaching me ( bukit batok ite ) . he is a good teacher that understand his student well nor. hope that every teacher will be like hiim . ") smile always !!
TODAYY iin ite we have our project that we need to design a poster nor . then when teacher choosing the best one . then when teacher looking at my group time . next group qui yi say my poster not good lar . all those stupid thing nor. think too highly of herself. also not she do de. most is edward and joey lor. ppls larr dun judge another pple kk. when i hear she saying that i darm angry lor. so i called jo-ann and tel her . after that stephine sms qui yi that . " tingting call us and say yr bad thing again " when i see the sms ii angryy lor. crazy gal> betrayer also. dun dare to admit also. cowward . uu noe who ?? STEPHANIE TAN . my schoo, de. if she at first tell me that she got sms qui yi then i will not angryy ,. but she tell me dun hab. but at last she amdit got. she still say she treat ma and qui yi BEST FRIEND ? if best friend should not lied. haiix. what pple wan to say then say lor. ii also dun wan to care liao. ( if uu wan say more then carry on bahh ) jus that frm now ii dun believe anyone ) .
for me larr . ii dun like pple to say me . if u talk to me nicely what ii do wrong ii will sure will listen . but dun tok back abt me . and this world no one is perfectt. if uu say u are PROVE to me larr . since now we settle liao. let it over !!
if uu all still wan to continue then tat yr problem liao...
for me larr . ii dun like pple to say me . if u talk to me nicely what ii do wrong ii will sure will listen . but dun tok back abt me . and this world no one is perfectt. if uu say u are PROVE to me larr . since now we settle liao. let it over !!
if uu all still wan to continue then tat yr problem liao...
first day going to ITE ( bukit batok) for one week course . is safety process . i darm tired nor . the teacher very good de would not scold us like our secondary school teacher( a bit a bit scold ) !! first we learnt a lot of things nor . got two tea break one lunch nor . one day can spent around $10 nor . i today spent $10 lor. no money liao. in our course ii win e best design of the project . but telling the truth . edward group did better then mind nor. they got joey help mahh / he darm good in darwing lorr. hahahhas / then around lunch time ii go edward house rest darm tired nor. dun noe why too muchh stress ! hahahs . 4 pm go home norr ..
i yestersday very stress !! i at night cry till really cant control myself. and my mine was thinking about killing myself . and end my life ! is really a very hard year for me . i cant take it ! why so many thing happened ?? luckily yestersday i did not kill myself or else today i will not update my blog liao norr !! now whatever thing happened i will not tell others only tell to those who are close to me ! now i dun hab best friends liao. by e way i wan thanks jie xing ! uu are a good brother to me yeah . thanks god that i have a good brother like hiim !! just hope that everything can solve !!\
i verii stress!! first thing is about boyfriend . why cant he grow up ? understand me more? why must always quarrel? i am tired of it liao ! jus wan a boyfriend that care about me, when i need him he wil always with me de!! why now everything not goin smootly ? i hate hiim ! sometime i feel like breaking with you , but i jus cant ! what should i do ! i dun believe in anyone now ! can you change ? if u dun change then uu noe what i will do de! i dun wan to be hurt againn .
second thing is family thinggyy !!b
BITCH get away from my brother life. uu chee BYE gal . u darm bitch . i hate uu . get away now before i get carzy and i will beat uu !! better dun force me .
brother can stop doing all stupid thing mahh !!! stop !! i cant take it anymore ! its feel like living in this world is not longer use liao !!
second thing is family thinggyy !!b
BITCH get away from my brother life. uu chee BYE gal . u darm bitch . i hate uu . get away now before i get carzy and i will beat uu !! better dun force me .
brother can stop doing all stupid thing mahh !!! stop !! i cant take it anymore ! its feel like living in this world is not longer use liao !!
i verii stress!! first thing is about boyfriend . why cant he grow up ? understand me more? why must always quarrel? i am tired of it liao ! jus wan a boyfriend that care about me, when i need him he wil always with me de!! why now everything not goin smootly ? i hate hiim ! sometime i feel like breaking with you , but i jus cant ! what should i do ! i dun believe in anyone now ! can you change ? if u dun change then uu noe what i will do de! i dun wan to be hurt againn .
second thing is family thinggyy !!b
BITCH get away from my brother life. uu chee BYE gal . u darm bitch . i hate uu . get away now before i get carzy and i will beat uu !! better dun force me .
brother can stop doing all stupid thing mahh !!! stop !! i cant take it anymore ! its feel like living in this world is not longer use liao !!
second thing is family thinggyy !!b
BITCH get away from my brother life. uu chee BYE gal . u darm bitch . i hate uu . get away now before i get carzy and i will beat uu !! better dun force me .
brother can stop doing all stupid thing mahh !!! stop !! i cant take it anymore ! its feel like living in this world is not longer use liao !!
today early morning i wake up late . i think is because i sleep late nor . waiting for stupid edward call. then jo-ann call me at 7 plus to wake me up. so i quickly go take cab to jo-ann hse but half-way the driver tell me that he only can drive me to the yew tee. then i say neva mind . cox he want change people liao. so he drive me to yee tew taxi stand . he neva charge me money ! what a good driver! then i board into a taxi nor. he taxi driver look like one actor . hahhas. then i guide him the way to jo-ann hse downstair. lolls. i 4 get to bring my form for the competition . then when jo-ann come down liao. i ask the driver drive me back home to take my group form nor . hahhas. afterward we contiune sit taxi to reach the place! expensive e cab money . no money liao. when we reach there . we practice lor. darm hot . the wheather !! cannot stand ! so more so many people!1 i saw my primary school teacher nor .hahhas. afterward we train our capatin ! GOOD NEWS !! my bro join the soccer and get into FINAL!! hahah. so proud of my brother yeahh . praise the lord!!
hahhas. when iis our time . i was sanding at the chair . the game was bad . the other group boys darm big size! then we at last scare one point ! but at least we try our best liao norr.. :) good work guys !!
hahhas. when iis our time . i was sanding at the chair . the game was bad . the other group boys darm big size! then we at last scare one point ! but at least we try our best liao norr.. :) good work guys !!

ooo ! man what a nice PIG !

this are all my cousin nor .

this is my sister birthday cake

me and my sister take pic when we waiting for our cousin !!
today is my sister birthday . so my daddy ask me come back home early . so i guai i come home early. but then after school , i go meet people liao. then i go buy present for my sister nor . i buy all those babarie thinggy . she like mah that why mah. all pink de. i spent sround $14 on the present . after that i went to libarary with jeremy and sue-ann to the lot one libarary to reseach for our art project . around 4 plus i tell sue-ann they all that i need to go liao. so they also go home . cox i find my book liao. hahhas. but my card cannot use so i use sue-ann de. i will sure return de. after that i went home alone, i reach home play computer then go bath liao. then go oout eat nor . my cousin they all also got go nor . the food sux !! somemore service sux. food taste suxx!! after eating . we rest a while then eat cake nor. quite nice . but my mouth pain until eat what also pain de. afterward , we took some of the photo . let me show uu .
hhahas. after eating . my uncle send us home . then i went to blk 223 basketball there find west cluster people. our captain ball team nor . cool leii. verii fun . i play soccer too. until i verii hot and sweaty . then we play until 10 plus then yi long, chin ho , kah keong and i go coffeshop eat and drink . dun noe what time then we go hm. darm tired. ") but its fun !!

am i cute ? just trying to force myself to laugh

hello. my name is shirely .
today my daddy , aunt and i go buy for my sister birthday present nor . cox her birthday is tmr mah . that y . she buy barbie doll. oh ii dun like to play . veri galgal. hahahs. after that we buy liao. my aunt , my sister and i went to NTUC buy food go home nor. then after buying we went home . then i just switch on my computer nor. cox nothing to do. heexxx..
yo! i get the best npcc unit cadet . haahs. so happy ! PRAISE THE LORD ! i thought i will not get it beacuse in NCO got three girls mah ? afiqah also very good . hope that next time i will do better and be a future CI next time . hahahs.
my this week shedule
21 march : 3pm got NPCC anual parade
: 7.30 got bible study at lot one with gladys
22march: meeting xue li at lot one 4pm
meeting jasmine at lot one at 4.10pm
23 march:3pm NPCC aunal parade to 6pm
: edward and i stead for 9 month
sat and sunday . haven confirm yet
choir thing in church ( i dun noe hw to say ) - 4 get liao
-13 april friday meet 4pm
-sat and sunday 6pm
i will update if got more .
21 march : 3pm got NPCC anual parade
: 7.30 got bible study at lot one with gladys
22march: meeting xue li at lot one 4pm
meeting jasmine at lot one at 4.10pm
23 march:3pm NPCC aunal parade to 6pm
: edward and i stead for 9 month
sat and sunday . haven confirm yet
choir thing in church ( i dun noe hw to say ) - 4 get liao
-13 april friday meet 4pm
-sat and sunday 6pm
i will update if got more .
today early morning. wake up . darm tired nor . GUESS WHAT ? i wake up at 6.27am nor . hhahas . but i never late for school lor. so after doing all my things i walk to bus -stop and take bus 67 to school. then i reach school bus top around 7.08am in the morning . so i wait for edward nor . then we walk up to school together nor . cox one person walk veri siian de norr . when i reach school . must have slient reading nor . i got read but reading for so long my neck getting veri painful lei. after a few min , i fall asleep . hahhas . luckly no teacher see if no . kana scolding . somemore the first lesson is CPA . this is the subject i hate e most nor . e teacher teach darm boring . nt only i say de. they would teach uu how to do. they will just ask you do yourseleve. inthat case why we need a teacher lei ?? WRONG ?? during the lesson , i do finish liao then i sleep really verii boring nor. . after this lesson is RECESS . cool because i am hungry ? GUESS what i eat ? rice nor . with egg and more . is my bf buy for me de. as i always some canteen late ma ! after eating we gt mother tongue >. tell u something i lost my mother tongue book . hahas . but teacher never scold me wor. good wor. i got do her work . i am e first one who do her work finish . ") after her lesson is . maths . mr tan class. he is my npcc teacher also nor. he veri good de. in maths class we do our work nor . something happened alazan ,, khail they are nt in class. maybe they kana CID caught . cox they did something wrong . and police car today cm mahh . hahahs .i dun care de/ after maths lesson we have art ?, must do 40 piece of art work. darm different . tmr also gt art leii. draw until scare . 1.45 pm bell rang. we finish school. hahhas.

STOP taking piture of me ! i am jason

hi my name is kang wei !!


17 of march . eric zone having amazing race reach out . at plaze singapure lor. ending point at expo so tat after playing game can go service. GUESS ? i bring how many friends ? yeah i bring four friends praise e lord ! my friends are Dai ning . jason . jun hao . kang wei . they are all from cdss npcc. so morning , i meet dai ning at lot one food junction nor. then a while ltr jason reach already . then e TWO guys are late for abt 30 min they are jun hao and kang wei nor. hahas . lazy pig nor.after that . think around 11.15 am they reach . so we all meet at cck control station . then we sit mrt to plaza singapure . let me show uu some picture . we taken in e mrt ! ")
at 1 pm . we start our AMAZING RACE already nor. e first thing is to arrange the picture. iis maketplace ! so we quickly take mrt to 9 i 4 get where liao) . after that station .WE WENT TO NATIONAL LIBABARY . we are to remember e libabry drop book there e words. hahahs. after tat we went to bugic juntion there . we need to find strange to take picture quite fun nor .hahahs,. and we need to find a strange to carry a boii on e back . hahahs. i beg a strange to back carry jason . hahahs. at last he agree!! after tat . lf we went to paylambang .. when we reach there we cannot find xiao wei . so after a few second of search finally we fpund here . our job is to pick up a letter from a box full of WORM ! oh no! hahah. so now our last point is at EXPO !! when we reach there . there haven already have two groups . at there we need to blow a ballon until burst then we compelte our mission . ") at last we get SECCOND !! Today iis a verii fun day for me !
todate ii went to chinese church at jurong west with xue li cell-group. her cell-group got three people join . then my number was 91 darm scary lor. so many people see. but xiao wei pray for us and i have more confident nor . hahahs . i sing KISS GOODBYE . i really like this song . i hope that i can pass through this adititon nor . hahahs. GOOD LUCK TINGTING
we wake up at around 7 plus because no PT . jun hao darm sad .hahahs . then we have breakfast liao. then individual training nor, me and jun hao just need to walk around to check is everything is ok a not ? quite fun . then after that lunch . same thing again. the rice (scuk) .but e chicken veri nice .after lunch wwe have water activities. ii never play cox dun like to be wet . later i get sick . they all play until crazy the NCO also . ahahhas. but i just sit down and watch lor. mmm. let me skip kk cox too many thing liao. camp appraisal at around 10.30 verii fun. but the quite short nor . at around 11.30pm light off . but we NCO go bath nor . ii alone bath nor qui yi la dun wan accompany me bath. i was sacred . but then i dun care still bath . ii dun hab shampoo ii borrow frm my teacher nor.. hahahas. expensive shampoo leii. then after bathing i walk alone to NPCC room . when i walk pass the staricase ii feel THAT KIND OF THING THERE but i dun care jus walk staright nor. ii really darm scared . so when i reach npcc room i tell my frens . hahahs. then they ask me not to scared . they will protect me . hahahas. so touch . so tonight everyone is to sleep at e hall. darm cold lor. then around 4 plus wake up then i go out of the hall talk to SJAB pple . they say ghost story . mmm. got a lot of thing lar. hahahs. dun wan tell uu nor.. if u wan to know tag me and ask .
my school UG CAMP is on 10 march to 12 march . i was looking forward to this camp de. morning ii meet qui yi and go school together mah . ii neva bring my shampoo all this . i ask qui yi lend me . in this camp i am under discipline . Selected NCO will have a group will at least one leader from secondary three . so that they can learned how to guide those secondary one cadet .
is quite fun at the morning de. lunch and dinner not so good . and we pay $5 for it lei. hahahahs. then after that we went for night walk . is not dark at all i like we walk the place is got light de lor.. but fun also. we say ghost story lor. and i get to talk to my madam and sirs . first time i can talk to them so many . hahahs . after the night walk we went back to school to have our supper . then jun hao called his friend to buy ROCKEY PIZZA darm big nor . then jun hao , kang wei , chien han and i went to the gate there eat pizza lor with junhao friend. hahaahs. we cant let teacher noe if nt kana scolding . then after eating . my hp ring . ohh is JO-ANN . when i pick up e phone she say " ting help me " . so i though she is jus joking only . so i go look for her . when she saw me she quickly hug me and cry . tat time i dun noe what happened until she told me . she saw something dirty . i saw her cry my heart realy veri pain nor. cox she my best freind . and i dun wan anything happen to her .so she tell ma what happen liao. then i call my cell-group learder gladys. so she pray for her . then she a bit kk. then two pple kana again . so we pray for them nor. haiix. my heart really pain cox they are my frens . but differnet CCA . after that my CCA teacher ask me go and bath then sleep so i cant stay with them if not my teacher going to scold me . at nit all NPCC NCO we sleep in npcc room nor. Funny qui yi make kang wei , he so angry and shout at her . mmmm. this is the first time NCO sleep together . wait till tmr what will happened .
is quite fun at the morning de. lunch and dinner not so good . and we pay $5 for it lei. hahahahs. then after that we went for night walk . is not dark at all i like we walk the place is got light de lor.. but fun also. we say ghost story lor. and i get to talk to my madam and sirs . first time i can talk to them so many . hahahs . after the night walk we went back to school to have our supper . then jun hao called his friend to buy ROCKEY PIZZA darm big nor . then jun hao , kang wei , chien han and i went to the gate there eat pizza lor with junhao friend. hahaahs. we cant let teacher noe if nt kana scolding . then after eating . my hp ring . ohh is JO-ANN . when i pick up e phone she say " ting help me " . so i though she is jus joking only . so i go look for her . when she saw me she quickly hug me and cry . tat time i dun noe what happened until she told me . she saw something dirty . i saw her cry my heart realy veri pain nor. cox she my best freind . and i dun wan anything happen to her .so she tell ma what happen liao. then i call my cell-group learder gladys. so she pray for her . then she a bit kk. then two pple kana again . so we pray for them nor. haiix. my heart really pain cox they are my frens . but differnet CCA . after that my CCA teacher ask me go and bath then sleep so i cant stay with them if not my teacher going to scold me . at nit all NPCC NCO we sleep in npcc room nor. Funny qui yi make kang wei , he so angry and shout at her . mmmm. this is the first time NCO sleep together . wait till tmr what will happened .