tell euu all something. e last think monday arr. ii at hm during my prayer time. i pray for financal. then todate after my npcc training .. my npcc teacher told miee that jun hao , qui yii ann miee had EAGLE award ann hab $150 worr.. its a geat blessing. hahhahas. this week cell-group ii got great testi tuu say liao. gd rite ?? praise e lord!!
todate ii never go school again. think about mon ann todate neb go school lorr. flu really make miee cannot sleep properly.. and also got stupid cough. until ii cant talk.. no voice liao. so todate ii decided tuu go see doctor. hahahas. no one paii miee. haiixx
hmmm.. early iin the morning ii got FLU . really need a lot of tissue lorr. haiixx. really not feeling well. tml ii not goiin school. so siian. sk go drive us go church lor. hahahahas. todate e way ii wear verii ugly. when ii reach expo. we go line up and go iin church lor. really cool man!! todate service rox man!! but ii verii tired. if not because of my flu think i will not be tired bahh. after church got PRAYER MEETING .. i also wanna sleep. a lot of pple iin church sleep because too tired liao mahh. lol.. BRO eric came too miee and tell miee that PASTOR zhuang say ii good. but he never say why good ??;lol after everything.. shi hui ,, jo-ann.. ziyang we went tuu bedok and eat lorr. hhahahaas. quite full lor..
after eating. we all went back hm. lorr. hahahah
so tired. when we iin e mrt got a lot of smell. WAO i wan tuu die liao..
after eating. we all went back hm. lorr. hahahah
so tired. when we iin e mrt got a lot of smell. WAO i wan tuu die liao..
yest after school .. stEphanie ,, jeremy annd ii decided tuu watch e STAY ALIVE. i was e one who gave e idea lor. we everyone go hm first lor. go hm change clothing and take $$$.. so we meet at 2.30 lorr. hahahhas. ii go hm change liao then ii paii qui yi eat lorr. but ii neb eat lorr. a while later jeremy reach liao. only stephanie neb reach yet.. haiixx. if jo-ann were here better. hahahahs. after that. we went up tuu check if cck got e show called STAY ALIVE. hahahhas. then i go see dun hab. and ii also not so clear so ii go ask lorr. then they say dun hab mahh. so hmmm.. ii went tuu check and i found out that westmall got lorrr. so we went there and buy ticket. lol. but jeremy cannot leii. becox we buy 7.30 pm ticket as it was e first show. hahahs. buy hao liao. then we go play eat shop lorr.. aiyoo. todate ii eat a lot.. sure fat then, hahahas. then mmm..
let miee tell euu when ii watching e show berii funny. stephanie so scare then she go e procpore( dun nnoe hw tuu spell) to cover her face.. haahahs. e show quite scary one lorr., ii see until got a bit scare lorr. hahahahs. then after show. ii called moii stead paii miee go friend at near by westmall. i wannt tuu find him but haiixx stephanie need tuu go liao.,. sorrry..
let miee tell euu when ii watching e show berii funny. stephanie so scare then she go e procpore( dun nnoe hw tuu spell) to cover her face.. haahahs. e show quite scary one lorr., ii see until got a bit scare lorr. hahahahs. then after show. ii called moii stead paii miee go friend at near by westmall. i wannt tuu find him but haiixx stephanie need tuu go liao.,. sorrry..
moii bao beiii jo-ann went tuu caMp .. so siian. no one paii miee ann chat with miee. without her cheering miee ,, i feel so alone hahahahs.. hmmmm.. wanna what she doiin rite nw ??? slepping,, playing,,ii also dun feel like coming tuu school. haiixx.. so sad leii.. >_<
finally.. we are together back againn.. ii know what ii did wrong liao. nw ii can see smile on yr face. so happy tuu see euu like tat.. hope euu next time got anything euu need help must find miee worr,,,
Todate when ii reach hm ii saw jo-ann blog write she iis sad annd think i break promise ann neb make it ferr e nite.. i am really sorry ii dun mean tuu hurt euu then.. sorry.. hope euu dun put it iin yr heart.. hmmm.. i promise euu next year we celebrate together kiies mahh.. sorry.. if euu really hate miee or what jus say bahh.. ii wan tuu noe what euu thinking nw.. if euu dun wan tell then neb mind..
todate ii dun noe what happen tuu jo-ann.. todate ii meet her liao. then we seldom tok tuu her. and she like dun wan tuu tok tuu miee. but ii got try tuu tok tuu her.. ii really dun noe what she iis thinking,, but ii noe she iis sad. haiiixx.. ii sms her annd what happen that ii can help.. but she say ii cant help then .. haiixx. really sad cant help herr.. hope she will stay happy bahh.. >_<>
thiiis pic taken when we are iin town lorr. nice rite ??
wish euu all e best stephhh..
hahahs. todate iis stephh birthday lorr. i and her stead help her celebrate. jo-ann.. jeremy.. sue-ann.. and miee brought ferr her present lorr. hope she like it bahh .. today we went to town and we bought a lot of thing.. spent so much money hahaahs./ we eat shop take neo-print lorr. berii happy but e sad thing iis that:
my stead neb go lorr. haiix..
the second sad thing iis ii neb go play candle with jo-ann they all.. hope that they duun angry bahh.. i am so sorry hahaahas.. >_<>
my stead neb go lorr. haiix..
the second sad thing iis ii neb go play candle with jo-ann they all.. hope that they duun angry bahh.. i am so sorry hahaahas.. >_<>
cmm and view moii shop morr.. at kiiess. if ii noe euu.. mybe ii can give euu discount worr.. hahahas
todate miee having moii art exam. hahaahs. easy lorr. todate one iis dram different size of my own shoes lor.. somemore mus take out of yr shoes then horr put on e table.. hahas. SMELLY!!
onlie have two and a half hour lorr. quite a lot of pple neb do lorr. hahahs/ a lot of malay pple neb do lorr. they jus talk onlie mahh. haiix.. hope this art ii will pass bahh/ lorr. hmm. i nw need tuu go out liao. bye bye .. >_<
onlie have two and a half hour lorr. quite a lot of pple neb do lorr. hahahs/ a lot of malay pple neb do lorr. they jus talk onlie mahh. haiix.. hope this art ii will pass bahh/ lorr. hmm. i nw need tuu go out liao. bye bye .. >_<
todate i having my maths exam paper one lorr.. darm diffcult lorr.. i really scare fail leii.. hahahas. but jo-ann told miee not tuu worry mahh. hahahas. lorr. tml having moii art exam.. mus pass worr.. i mus really verii hard liao.. haiiixx >_<

thhiis iis moii laO gong lorr. i show this picture tuu many pple then they say we look like bro and sis lorr.. hahaahs.. really look like mehh.. if really yes i nothing tuu say lorr.. hahaahs..

hahahas.. this picture was taken when i was in e bus with jo-ann,, sue-ann,,jeremy and miee lorr.. naughty jo-ann taken pic of miee worr.. hahahas... thiss moii side view
todate ii go school alone .. hmm. becoxx lao gong iis second one lorr. hahahas.. then todate exam horr.. e first papaer iis easy mahh.. onlie e second paper berii diffcult leii.. i dun noe hw tuu do leii.. siian lorr. many ppkle iin moii class also dun noe. hahahs. i also neb do finish mahh.,, not enough time.. if i got enough time i will do better bahh.. hahaahss.. hmmm.. hope ii can pass bahh.. ii need tuu go perpare moii tml exam liao. bye bye
todate horr.. really darm angry. all bacoxx of EDWARD LIM JIA HAO. todate he crazy anyhw scold miee.. CB . this thing start like this lorr. ask euu all something when euu all study euu like pple tuu disture euu mehh. they make make darm hell of noise lorr. many pple are study then they keep making noise. moii friend sue-ann go ask them keep quiet then they still make noise. then ii really cant stand liao so i go there and scold them bahh.. then e idoit edward lim cm and scold miee. i also not scold onlie him arr.. carzy.. then he say wan tuu break.. i break break lahh.. if next time ii angry ii also can say break mahh,, then after a while. he say he dun wan tuu break. then ii am still angry mahh. then moii frenxx ask miee dun break also mahh. hahahas/ at last we are together agaainn lorrr.,.. >_<