todate ii was sick. early iin e mornin i jhad moii breakfast iin skkol, stall 8 .. then also got drink green tea lor. then sfter moii chinese lesson . i had a berii bad stomach pain. and i keep running tol;iet lorr. until moii whole body was weak . face was all pale. and my face got a lot of water. hahas i was iin pain. then i was praying tuu god tuu heal miee..and i feel something iin moii stomach and was a bit kiies. moii friends jo-ann stephanie and qui yi was helping miee. i really wanna tuu thanks them. without them i think i will die in e toliet. hahahas.after that i try tuu walk out og e toliet but my head was darm pain.. whatever i see thing was blur blur one lorr.then after that i pray tuu god that let miee have e strenght tuu walk to e office mahh. hahahas i really hab e strength tuu wlk there. thanks god.after that i j8us sit down then jo-ann they help miee lor.. i was sent tuu ploy clinice by taxii. at last SK dive miee e bukit timah see doctor leii. hahahas. i vomite,, dirrorec(dun noe hw tuu spell) e doctor say i got stomach inflection lorr. hahahas. so ii must rest more..nw anything also cannot eat. hmmm/ moii lao gong also dun let miee eat. haiixx, hao bahh i should end here.. ii wan tuu sleep liao ,, good nite >_<
todate i never go tuu school because ii wake up late.i wake up aaround 6.35pm lorr. by e time ii reach school ii will be late , so i decided not tuu go school lorr. hhahas. then stilll need tuu rush a art work . need pass up by tml lorr.hmm.. around 8pm. i wake up and go brush moii teeth. then moii lao gong cook food ferr miee and eat lorr. hahahass..moii friend stephanie sms miee And ask wHy ii NEb cm tuU SChool lorr. hahas.
but tml ii really need tuu go school liao lorr. hahas. later at nite then i tell euu more lorr. hahahas, >_<
but tml ii really need tuu go school liao lorr. hahas. later at nite then i tell euu more lorr. hahahas, >_<
todate ii having moii english exam lorr. paper one ii noe hw tuu do but e onlie thing i scare iis horr.. moii grammer lorr. scare write wrong one mahh.. then after doiing finish ii go though two time then i slp lorr..
moii second paper horr.. ii can do it. ferr miee iis kiiess.. got confident can pass well lorr. hahahass.. hmm.. nw english paper finish liao. i nw must work hard ferr moii maths paper and e other one lorr.. haiix.
moii second paper horr.. ii can do it. ferr miee iis kiiess.. got confident can pass well lorr. hahahass.. hmm.. nw english paper finish liao. i nw must work hard ferr moii maths paper and e other one lorr.. haiix.
euu need help time euu cm and find miee.. got friends liao then PS miiee.. dun act choi lahh. euu are not choi lor. got stead liao dun need tuu act until like that one lahh. onllie one hw tuu flit with boii.. iin class euu thought yr maths verii gd arr. euu noe hw tuu do then noe lahh. i nw trying tuu understand then dun keeping sayiin that euu noe and euu do finish liao kiieess/.. i have enough of it kieess.. dun ever think that euu are e best lorr. haiixx.. i also dun wan tuu say anymore lahh.. if euu see until this message then see lorr.. who care..
i hope that euu really dun be like that lahh.. if euu think ii always with moii stead then euu tell miee.. dun tok back abt miee
i hope that euu really dun be like that lahh.. if euu think ii always with moii stead then euu tell miee.. dun tok back abt miee
exam coming liao. tml iis my english exam liao.. ii nw scare of MATHS. really dun understand lor. e school lar keep changing maths teacher haiizz. english ii got confident that ii can pass lorr. hmmm.. this year target iis
English Maths chinese Eoa Cpa Art
77/100 70/100 86/100 80/100 60/100 82/100
hahahass.. hmmm. i will work hard lorr. no matter ehat ii will still try lorr. becoxx dun wan tu dissapoint my daddyy
xiiao attitude
English Maths chinese Eoa Cpa Art
77/100 70/100 86/100 80/100 60/100 82/100
hahahass.. hmmm. i will work hard lorr. no matter ehat ii will still try lorr. becoxx dun wan tu dissapoint my daddyy
xiiao attitude
lao gong thiis coming sat iis our three month liao. hahas ii am verii happy. its so fast rite. really love euu a lot. e day i stead with euu, euu take care of miee. and euu make miee berii happy. hahahs lao gong ii really love euu a lot. dun ever leave miee kiiess..
lao po
tiffany wong ting ting
Lao gong
edward lim jia hao
today euu all play a joke with miee that edward not in class. ii was worry and guess where iis him ? and then horr i called him then he tell miee he is at home lorr. euu noe i keep asking him tuu tell miee e truth lorr. but he still keep telling miee that he is at home. then i decided tuu called moii frenv qui yi and when ii ask her then she like dun wan tuu tell miee. then ii noe is telling lie liao.. ii was darm angry lorr, ii really cannot stand and ii cry.. i hate euu.. why must lie leii.. think verii funny iizzit,, suxxx.. if euu do this again. i will not forgive euu..
yahh. let miee tell euu abount my ATC camp..
15-09-06 to 17-09-06
At pulu ubin ( dun noe hw tuu spell)
ii in group 8
name called chicken little..
my school npcc sec 3 got eight ppple go onlie lorr.
2 gals.. 6 boiis.
gal onlie miee and qui yii . hahahass
let miee tell euu what ii did in the camp bahh...
the first day i went to e camp i was very happy and also berii sad because thinking about my stead edward.. then when ii reach there.. i saw a lot of my primary school friends.hahahas. miss them a lot lorr. e first days we did not do a lot of thing.
at nite, quite late then we sleep mahh. i sleep quite well. also wanna tuu thanks qui yi fer taking care of miee lorr. hahahass.. she iis my mother hahahss..
e second day
we early iin the morning must wake up leii.. so tired. dun hab enough sleep. then sonemore must do PT.early exercise. quite kiees. but berii tired worr.. after that we go take our breakfast.then afterward, we went for hike,lorr. around 3 plus we reach campsite.. darm tired.. then we drink a lot of water lorr. e water berii diffcult tuu drink.. it taste like swimming pool water choice but tuu drink.then we rest a while then our next activity iis ATF( rope actitvity)..first a few pple go and try e tunnel first lorr.. ii with moii friend ( xue li )also. when we went ine tunnel hahahs..whenwe went in e tunnel she was so scare. and i will trying tuu let herr not tuu scare.. so ii talk tuu her lorr. hahahs..the instructor there make a lot of noise hahahas.. they wan tuu scare us mahh,, finally we are out of e tunnel lorr. they we go play e rope activity,, then ii was thinking of wan tuu go up anot?? then i tel myself ii must try. lorr. ii was darm scare. at last i go up and try.but my friend neb go upn and try.ii managed tuu go until e level three lorr.ii was darm tired . then we had a 20 min rest . then our next activity iis kayaking.. gal must partner with boii mahh. so i partner with guang yao. i think i spell wrong his name.. he studying iin greenrige sec. he bully miee worr.. i was e onlie one who iis kayaking. i was so tired lor.i love kayaking. ii wan tuu learn and had star lorr.. after kayaking we went back tuu campsite and bath,, eat lorr. at nite got campfire lorr. somemore ii am a song learder lorr. hahahs.. after tat,, we kana scolding lor.r hahahs darm tired.. ii wan tuu slp liao.. haiizz
e last day of my ATC camp
early iin e morning,,i was berii happy becoxx can go church liao, but then e sad thing iis that hoirr,, last min e teacher frm YISS teacher dun let miee go church. somemore say bad thing abt moii church.. she make miee until berii sad and ii cry lorr.. her word realy hurt miee a lot lorr. haiixxx..
i should end here liao okiiee..
15-09-06 to 17-09-06
At pulu ubin ( dun noe hw tuu spell)
ii in group 8
name called chicken little..
my school npcc sec 3 got eight ppple go onlie lorr.
2 gals.. 6 boiis.
gal onlie miee and qui yii . hahahass
let miee tell euu what ii did in the camp bahh...
the first day i went to e camp i was very happy and also berii sad because thinking about my stead edward.. then when ii reach there.. i saw a lot of my primary school friends.hahahas. miss them a lot lorr. e first days we did not do a lot of thing.
at nite, quite late then we sleep mahh. i sleep quite well. also wanna tuu thanks qui yi fer taking care of miee lorr. hahahass.. she iis my mother hahahss..
e second day
we early iin the morning must wake up leii.. so tired. dun hab enough sleep. then sonemore must do PT.early exercise. quite kiees. but berii tired worr.. after that we go take our breakfast.then afterward, we went for hike,lorr. around 3 plus we reach campsite.. darm tired.. then we drink a lot of water lorr. e water berii diffcult tuu drink.. it taste like swimming pool water choice but tuu drink.then we rest a while then our next activity iis ATF( rope actitvity)..first a few pple go and try e tunnel first lorr.. ii with moii friend ( xue li )also. when we went ine tunnel hahahs..whenwe went in e tunnel she was so scare. and i will trying tuu let herr not tuu scare.. so ii talk tuu her lorr. hahahs..the instructor there make a lot of noise hahahas.. they wan tuu scare us mahh,, finally we are out of e tunnel lorr. they we go play e rope activity,, then ii was thinking of wan tuu go up anot?? then i tel myself ii must try. lorr. ii was darm scare. at last i go up and try.but my friend neb go upn and try.ii managed tuu go until e level three lorr.ii was darm tired . then we had a 20 min rest . then our next activity iis kayaking.. gal must partner with boii mahh. so i partner with guang yao. i think i spell wrong his name.. he studying iin greenrige sec. he bully miee worr.. i was e onlie one who iis kayaking. i was so tired lor.i love kayaking. ii wan tuu learn and had star lorr.. after kayaking we went back tuu campsite and bath,, eat lorr. at nite got campfire lorr. somemore ii am a song learder lorr. hahahs.. after tat,, we kana scolding lor.r hahahs darm tired.. ii wan tuu slp liao.. haiizz
e last day of my ATC camp
early iin e morning,,i was berii happy becoxx can go church liao, but then e sad thing iis that hoirr,, last min e teacher frm YISS teacher dun let miee go church. somemore say bad thing abt moii church.. she make miee until berii sad and ii cry lorr.. her word realy hurt miee a lot lorr. haiixxx..
i should end here liao okiiee..

thiis moii stead lorr...
let miee intro tuu him tuu everyone of euu..
Edward Lim Jia Hao
bukit batok
if anyone one of euu all wann tuu noe him
+ may add him at
lao gong ii really love euu worr,,, this comiin sat iis our three month liao. ii berii happy lorr.
even though we sometime we quarrel lahh.. hahahass,, exam comiin liao , must study hard worr,,
wo aii niii..

thiis gal here iis miee
tiffany wong ting ting
livviin cck
hahahass,, if euu wan tuu
noe miee more..
add miee at:
friendster or msn
let miee intro this gals tuu euu worr..
jo-ann ,, miee ,, stephanie
we are friends since secondary school lorr..
hahahas, jo-ann and ii are best friends since primary school lorr. really miss e relationship lor..
even though horr. sometime we fight mahh..
wait arr..
i intro this gal tuu euu lorr
first let miee intro jo-ann tuu euu
jo-ann yam ling feng
liviin at yew tee
let miee tell euu her e-mail:
and e last gal iis stephanie tan wei ying
her birthday iis comiin
liviin bankit
her e-mail:
if euu wanna tuu noe us moii add us bahh...